Kris Longknife – Undaunted (Kris Longknife VII) – Mike Shepherd

The seventh book in the Kris Longknife series has Kris still in charge of the exploratory ship Wasp. She blunders into an encounter with an Iteechee vessel. The Iteechee are a race with which humanity had a war 80 years previously. They are so mysterious that the causes of the war are still essentially unknown. Naturally, Kris’ great-grandparents Raymond Longknife and “Trouble” were involved at the time.

This is one of the better installments. Good strong plot even though it does take a massive detour in the middle. Lots of conversation, as per usual, but it doesn’t seem forced. Shepherd has collected an enjoyable cast of characters to play foil to Kris.

Note: Shepherd has previously written about our heroine’s great-grandfather Raymond under his real name, Mike Moscoe.

4 Replies to “Kris Longknife – Undaunted (Kris Longknife VII) – Mike Shepherd”

  1. Andreas got me into this series that I really enjoyed, and I would strongly recommend to start with Shards of Honor. It is well written enough, and starts the story chronologically, which know I am a bit old-school about. Whole chronology starts two books earlier, but not key to the Vorkosigan saga as such.

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